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Год издания:: 2022
Издательство:: Profile books
Формат:: электронная
Язык:: Английский
Сфера:: Обучение
Тема:: Второй Мозг
Теги:: #книга/отложено
Начало:: 2022-06-13
Прогресс:: 15/283

! Building a Second Brain - TIAGO FORTE


Основные идеи

Фундамент - что возможно
Метод - 4 шага
Сдвиг - использоание в других областях


A -
B - Building a Second Brain
С -
D - digital garden
E -
F -
G -
H -
I -
J -
K -
L -
M -
N -
O -
P -
Q -
R -
S -
T -
U -
V -
W -
X -
W -
Z - Zettelkasten


You see, all the content you consume online and through all the different kinds of media you have at your disposal isn’t useless. It’s incredibly important and valuable. The onlyproblem is that you’re often consuming it at the wrong time.

To be able to make use of information we value, we need a way to package it up and send it through time to our future self. We need a way to cultivate a body of knowledge that is uniquely our own, so when the opportunity arises ... we will have access to the wisdom we need to make good decisions and take the most effective action. It all begins with the simple act of writing things down.
p. 10

Everyone is in desperate need of a system to manage the ever-increasing volume of information pouring into their brains.
Those who learn how to leverage technology and master the flow of information through their lives will be empowered to accomplish anything they set their minds to
p. 11

Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them. —David Allen, author of Getting Things Done

I became the project manager of my own condition...
p. 15
They gave me the chance to step back from the details of my condition and see my situation from a different perspective.